And So It Continues

I don't have anything amazing to report right now. But I wanted to write. So here's where I am. 

It's been 11 days since I started RP. RP stands for Renaissance Periodization. It's a scientific based macro counting plan that is used by people all over the world to tone up, loose weight and better perform. It gives you exactly what to eat, when to eat, and a list a approved foods so you don't have to count all the macros. I suck at math. Always have. Macro counting is HARD for me. This program makes it a lot easier for me to (hopefully) accomplish my goals. There are various sections that you move through depending on your weight loss. 

So far so good. I haven't lost any weight. In fact, I weigh more than when I started 11 days ago as of today. I am part of several groups for this program. The weight fluxuations are part of the process. My logical side of my brain knows this. My emotional side wants to go buy a bunch of brie cheese (cheese is my thing, not pizza, not candy, not choclate...cheese) and eat it. 

On another note, I am being super consistent with the gym and taking care of myself and my eating. I spend my evenings getting my food ready for the next day, prepping my gym bag, making sure that in the morning all I have to do it get up and go. And I do just that. I get to the gym between 5:45am and 6am. I cut back on cardio to ensure my weight program is on point. I am lifting 5 days a week and doing 60-70 minutes of cardio on the two off days. I am drinking a lot of water. I don't have anything else to drink besides ice tea or soda water. 

I am seeing a trainer 1x a week at my gym. She's amazing. She's a CrossFit instructor and knows my background. She works with me on accessory work to strengthen my back. She gives me mini WOD's (aka CrossFit workouts) at the end of each session. Which I am slowly but surely getting better at. I even did one this week with wallballs and I did it with 12lbs and I was FINE! (Previous blog posts regarding my wallballs....well I can't seem to find them.). I dreaded wallballs ALL THE TIME. 10lbs was a struggle for me. My squat has always been challenging for me, I couldn't get low enough, I would be out of breath, take long breaks, etc. Somehow, I got over that in my time off. (I think maybe I'll make my next blog about what I learned from my time off!)

The food plan is challenging. The foods are what I eat normally and are healthy but the amount of food has been very hard. I am not use to eating carbs other than from fruit. The carbs I eat most days are about 115g. On non weight days, it's about 75g. Both of these are significantly more than I am use to eating. I am constatly feeling stuffed. I am not hungry. I eat because I know I need to. The concept behind all this is the fix my metabolism. I am on board with the concept. I am hoping the amount of food feels less. 

Next week I move to the next phase with less fat and less carbs (HALLELUJA!). Stay tuned! I am not giving up! (Even though I nearly cried at my desk while reading the blog when my back originally got bad about 2 years ago now, it's here). I will get past this, just like everything else I have. 



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