And then there were 3!

Everyone should know by now that our family of two is very soon becoming a family of 3!

I intended to post about the pregnancy and all as I went along but honestly, it became so uneventful, I didn't know what I would say.

The beginning was tough though. We were told from very early on that the pregnancy likely wasn't viable. Yet each time we went back to the doctor, they were amazed to find continuous growth and finally agreed that everything looked normal, despite slow rising HCG levels in the beginning.

I did not have morning sickness, I was not tired, I had no cravings and no food aversions. It was pretty close to as uneventful as it gets. My only problem was I developed carpal tunnel and was forced to sleep with braces at night to deal. Later on, the heartburn was bad enough I asked for a prescription to alleviate it as it woke me up in the middle of the night. That wasn't until 28+ weeks though and the pills work so there's that.

I slept through the night the entire pregnancy, even today at 38+ weeks. I have really very little to say when it comes to pregnancy in general. I gained minimal weight, I didn't get very big, I remained generally active and can still shave my legs and see my toes.

So now that we have gotten all that out of the way, we're less than 2 weeks away from our baby's due date. And nothing is going how I planned. The Covid-19 virus and the shelter in place orders have impacted everything I planned to do at the end of my pregnancy. And I am not just talking about pampering. Although since we're on the subject, my nails/toes, massage, etc will never be done...all the things I knew I wouldn't be able to do for quite some time, I now won't be able to do for even longer. I won't be able to buy nursing bras. I also won't be able to do the household things I needed to. Like having final permits done for the pool, water audit, etc. All these are no longer possible and when I have a baby, it's going to be even harder to get it done. Visitors won't be able to come to the hospital to see me or the baby. Pictures of my sweet newborn will have to be something we go without since I cannot have anyone over to do this.

While I am fully aware things don't always go as planned, I never could have imagined I would be bringing a child into this world and although I will be happy that she is healthy when she arrives. I had plans and ideas for the only child I plan to have, and so many of those plans have been taken away from me.

Please understand that I do acknowledge the need for the stay home orders, but that doesn't make this any easier. I will miss my last dinner out with my husband as a couple without a child since all the restaurants are closed. Sure, we can do takeout. Alternatives exist, they just are not the same. I will miss seeing any friends or family before giving birth. And yes, video conferencing exists, but again, it's not the same.

I am an extrovert. I can stay home for a couple of days but after that, I grow weary. I know we are all growing weary of this and I am not the only one, however, I am the one who is pregnant. Who's life is about to change in every way possible. And I was robbed of all the things I planned to do before my baby comes. I am sad and defeated, it's mentally taxing beyond belief to feel this way on top of waiting for the baby to come.

This is not meant to be deemed as selfish, although it may come across that way. I am fortunate to have a job still while I know others do not. I can work from home (lord I don't know how people work from home, it is NOT for me!). I am healthy and so is my baby. But that doesn't make any of this any easier.


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