Turns out I am NOT Crazy!

Today was the day. My visit to the chiropractor and evaluation of what they found from my x-rays. I was not worried. I was confident that WHATEVER they could tell me, I would take it and stride. After all, I wasn't going to let it break me.

I resumed working out last week. Sort of. My new work schedule (as mentioned in prior blogs) is far from idea to planning workouts to say the least. I can get in about 3x a week right now. Neither CrossFit nor Orangetheory really can fit 5-6 days a week. So it is what it is right now. Last week I went on Monday. I was sore for 3 days. So sore in fact, I thought I pulled something on my bicep from doing strict pull ups. But the pain was the same (albeit more on the left) that I determined it was just sore.

I went Monday of this week and my running was crazy good for being out for 4 months. Damn that Orangetheory really DID help! I was pleased. I am going again today. I am down 2lbs. Despite a crappy week and weekend, this shit is coming together, even if it's not like it was 1 year ago.

So today, I drove to Hayward on my lunch (god-forbid I leave 1 hour early for any sort of appointment....or take a day off for that matter) and went through the information. I was able to take a photo of the issue. So on the top of my spine, you will see normal spacing between the vertebrae. This is the disk area. Where the vertical line is there is a SMALL space  shown. This is the space between my L5 (lumbar 5) and S1 (sacrum 1). The disk space is barely there. Anytime the area is slightly out of alignment rubbing of the bones between the L5 and S1 cause the pain.

According to my girl, I was likely born with a small amount of disk in this area but something caused it to shrink. Possibly the car accident I was in 6+ years ago but we'll never know. Disk degeneration is normal and happens as you get older but should not be painful.

So game plan is to see her 1x a week. She says there is NO reason I should stop doing what I have been doing for exercise. Mostly, I admitted to her, I am scared to workout like I use to because I don't know what is causing the pain. Her goal is to make sure I am confident in continuing my normal activity and not in pain. The adjustments she will do weekly will help my mobility which is what I don't have right now.

I cannot say how relieved I am. My girl was SHOCKED that Kaiser had dismissed this as nothing. Luckily I found someone who can actually give me answers and help me.

Today I'll be at CrossFit. I have changed my eating plan and stopped the pre made meals and have gone to more salads and other fruits and veggies more frequently. So far, it's working. I just need to be more diligent.

Onward and upward. Stay tuned for more progress!


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