My First Day Back (and it didn't suck!)

I finally got tired of waiting around. I have a chiropractor appointment later this month but I decided I felt well enough to try to go back to CrossFit. In the past, I had actually planned to go back several times but each time I would wake up with pain. This time I didn't so I went. 

I was of course super nervous! It's been a good 4 months since I even picked up a barbell let alone done any lifting. I text one of my close CF friends and she offered to go to a later class so I wasn't alone on my first day back! Super nice of her and I welcome the offer.

I text my coach and advised of my plans. She was thrilled of course. I debated on checking the workout or not but decided to. It was a bunch of 3 minute AMRAPs. I was thrilled. I love short and sweet workouts. Even if it was 2x through. 

It involved a variety of workouts but in the end, my coach did not want me to do any power movements so no snatch or clean for me. 

4/2 Muscle-Ups (I did strict dips)
8 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs) (I did kettlebell deadlifts)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
4 Power Cleans (185/135 lbs) (I did push press)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (I did do pull ups but strict with a large band)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
4 Front Squats (155/105 lbs – from the floor)
8 Toes to Bar (I did this on the floor with the rig)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
4 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs) (overhead squat for me)
20 Double-Unders (singles for me, 40)
Rest 2 minutes, then do it all over again. 

I discovered that I could easily bust out a bunch of rounds in the time because I didn't have weight on the bar and some of the movements were modified. I did not get winded. My cardio apparently is still on point from Orangetheory I did while I was not doing CrossFit. This is a positive. 

In the end, I felt lazy and that I did not work hard but it's better than not being there. I am sore the two days following in my legs (squats) and my biceps (pull ups). I realized though I can only commit to CrossFit with my existing schedule for work, 3x a week because the 6:30pm class is only offered those times. With Wednesday's being my meeting day, that day can be knocked down to 2 days some weeks. 

In the weeks to come I will see a chiropractor and figure out what makes sense for workouts between Orangetheory and CrossFit. 


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