It's Amazing What Happens......

The last few months of spring were somewhat rough for me. I had hurt my back, and my workouts and nutrition were NOT on point. When it came time for June to begin, I decided to make a change.

A friend of mine from high school is a Beachbody coach. I have done the Beachbody program before, and although it is not something I follow now, I wanted to be a part of something that made me accountable. So I joined. I immediately realized THIS was exactly what I needed. The women in the group (about 20 of them) were all in different places with their weight loss and goals. We all had one thing in common; to be the BEST us we could be. That's always my goal.

The group was perfect to get me back on track. Although I followed my plan, all the women in the group were focusing on getting in their exercise and eating well. The goal was one we all had. Without my regular workouts and nutrition, my weight had crept back up over 140lbs. This is not a lot however when you have a small frame and are only 5'2 it quickly affects the way your clothes fit AND the way you look.

I began posting my meals; selfie's after workouts, etc. Each woman was motiving liking each other posts and giving words of encouragement no matter what the situation. I realized quickly not only was this group helping me, but I also was being given an opportunity to share what has worked for me.

It's been one year and nine months since I began CrossFit. This is the absolute longest I have ever been able to maintain this weight and size. This is the FIRST time I found something I don't dread doing each day for exercise. Finally, I found my place.

I shared with the group my tips for drinking water, prepping meals, how I schedule my meals like Blue Apron, etc. I learned things from them too. Like even if you cannot make it to workout that day that doesn't mean you don't have time for a few rounds of squats and pushups in your living room or office, or taking a walk during lunch. The key is you can get exercise in anywhere anytime! Some of these women would be posting their workouts at 11 pm, long after I was asleep. Now that's dedication.

I maintained my Isagenix routine throughout the month. I would say out of 30 days; I got in 2 shakes a day for at least 14 days. Weekends I was getting in 1 at least. All this was a big step up for me from past months. I did two deep cleanses during the month. My first time doing even one and I was able to get two. It was the first month I was truly on point. So what was different?

I felt like I had something to show these women. And myself. That even though I had lost 25lbs already, I still had work to do. That I am working every day to make sure I am the healthiest I can be. That we all have to make sure we're getting out treats in whether it be an almond milk latte or a cheeseburger and beer. That it is okay not to be on point ALL the time but it's important to do it MOST of the time. I eat well 5-6 days a week so I can have those 1-2 days where I don't worry as much. I still consider what I am eating, but I try to let it go a little bit. When I wanted to cheat (like when I wanted a Five Guys burger) I would remember that I needed to tell these ladies what I ate. So I stopped at Subway and got a sandwich without mayo and cheese. Because I had to tell them what I ate and I didn't want to share, I ate a burger 2x in one week!

I think I learned more from them than I anticipated. I was thrilled to have the women appreciate my input and congratulate me on my workouts, even when they had no clue what I was saying. This is what we need. More motivation and LESS put down.

I am bad at taking photos. I wish I had this time. I went from 142 down to 136 in 1 month. I can feel that my stomach is slimmer. My clothes fit better. I feel better than I have in a very long time. All because I didn't want to let these women down.

So if you ever have an opportunity to join a group to share your daily food/workouts for accountability, do it. It works, even for those of us that are already close to our goals. You always have more to learn and further to go.

Will I be in the July group? You better believe I will! I've got more work to do. And I am not stopping now.


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