I Won't Let This Tear Me Down

It's been exactly nine days since I picked up a weight, barbell, jump rope, anything. I haven't even gone for a walk longer than 10 minutes. No hiking, nothing.

What did I learn? First of all, my back is NOT associated with working out. Let me clarify that by saying, the days my back are bad and the days it is good are not affected by whether I workout or not. I finally went to the doctor today to be seen. I made the appointment as I struggled even to sit still on Saturday while I was supposed to be enjoying the weekend. The past two days have been great. No explanation of why.

The doctor says it's exercise induced and nothing major. She told me to keep working out. I would have anyways. She gave me muscle relaxers for the night time. I will only take them if I need them. In addition to my back issue, for some reason, my plantar fasciitis started acting up again for no reason. It's been dormant for 15 months. This is NOT what I need.

Today is June 1. And I am feeling more frustrated than ever. But I am not going to let that get me down this time. Last time I had problems like this, I gave up and gained 30lbs. I determined not to let that happen again.

I joined a Summer Slimdown Group. Great people, looking forward to being inspired again. Today I WILL be back at the gym. I am drinking my water. I did have my shake for breakfast, and although I didn't meal prep, I brought half a leftover burger from last night's dinner. Since I didn't have time to make anything else so I brought carrots and a Greek yogurt dip with it. I have been good about drinking water and using my pro infusion bottle! I love this thing so much.

It turns out I might need to restructure my workouts for a while. But I will not give up. I will use my cycling classes, my orange theory and maybe try some yoga. I won't let my body defeat my goals.


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