10 Months Later....We're Getting There!

 I was planning to update my social media regarding my most recent cut of which I am 3 weeks in. As I was scrolling my Instagram I noticed the last time I posted on my blog was 2 days before I gave birth to my sweet baby girl. Well, here we are, 10 months later, and going strong. 

My sweet Aribella Sofia
My post discussed the shelter in place and the start of the pandemic. To say that my journey as a mother has been challenging is grossly understated. Just as I missed out on the pre-baby things I planned to do, I have also, and continue to, miss out on the joys of motherhood as a result of the cluster f*ck that this pandemic has become. 

But this post isn't here for that. It's here to discuss how hard I have fought to get myself where I am today and what I am learning from this cut that I didn't learn before. 

Fast forward, I have a 10-month-old and on January 4 I was ready to start a new cut. I debated doing one while breastfeeding with the breastfeeding template, but decided since I didn't know how long that journey would last, it made more sense to wait until that was almost (or close to) done. Today, I am gradually ending the breastfeeding (or as my journey is pumping) journey and therefore I am okay with decreasing in ounces I am producing. 

I cut out alcohol beginning January 1. I prepped and purchased food the following three days so I was ready to commit on January 4. In my first two weeks, I was consistent for the Monday - Friday days. I worked out, I had a plan, I stuck to it. Weekends were not ideal. My birthday was in the middle of the beginning of the first 2 weeks and obviously, celebrations were had!

The most important thing that happened? I was able to recognize my own growth and jump back into it the next meal/day, rather than letting all the wheels fall off. If you have ever read previous posts of mine, you know I am an intense, all or nothing person. I still consider myself to be that, that is a personality trait of mine I think isn't a bad thing. 

Now that I am 3 weeks in, I see that I can establish a great routine (ie 85-09% of the time on point) and still lose. As long as I get back to it at the beginning of the week (for me, Monday) I am finding I am successful. I haven't had my carbs or fat cut yet and so I am grateful for that but I am sure it is coming. 

I plan to adjust my workout days a bit based on this past weekend (I am seeing that I don't have the time I want to dedicate to working out on the weekends) so I will be planning for 5x a week on the weekdays and if I get one in on the weekends, great! But my schedule will be adjusted to accommodate the weekdays for workouts so I don't feel bad missing one. 

Workouts are getting more versatile as well. I am working with the Peloton app (no, I didn't pay for a Peloton, I got a bike that works with the app so I ride in my room and connect it to the TV and it's great!) to get myself out of my comfort zone and doing strength, stretching, cycling, etc. Basically trying all the things! Since I cannot go anywhere, if gives me the variety I need right now to continue the motivation to move forward. 

I am down almost 4lbs so far and working to get better every day in every way! Stay tuned for more updates!


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