Always a Work in Progress

I am back at it after a decently long hiatus from my back issues.Since I visited the doctor and got muscle relaxers, I am 95% mended. So I am back at it, nearly 100% for the past 2-3 weeks.

Lately, I have been feeling the struggle with the workouts. Not everything, but the endurance stuff. I cut my orange theory out while I wait for the one near my house to open, so that's been an obvious missing component in my workouts.

During a workout on Sunday, I really struggled with the running and overhead squats. I HAD to remind myself how far I had come. I have talked about this before, but I think people often forget HOW hard this journey is.

Each one of us has our journey that manifests in a different way for us individually. I wasn't in horribly bad shape when I started, but I was not in good shape. Starting at 25-30lbs overweight was a challenge, but I pushed through. People push through with much more weight to loose. I still remember the times when I could barely snatch the bar or couldn't overhead squat more than 50lbs.

Do I wish I had come further? Hell yes, I do. Everyday I struggle with what I can do better to improve myself and my life to make myself a better person, a better wife, a better friend, etc. To be a better person, I have to be better overall.

I am good at a lot of it. I eat really well (as long as we're talking about Monday - Friday!) although it's not always paleo anymore, I workout 5-6 days a week intensely, I get my protein shakes in (Isagenix!) and I do the best I can at my job.

What am I lacking? 1) I need to drink more water. Every damn day. I have never been good at drinking water. I have days where I am but most days I am not. I am trying hard to improve upon that. 2) I need to work on my mobility and stretching. I decided today to sign up for ROMWOD. I had it before and was borrowing a friend's but they decided to cancel it. I didn't think I needed it, thought I could do it on my own. Honestly, I haven't stretched in at least a month if not more. It's something I know I need to do, and this program helps me be accountable. 3) I need to be better about my eating over the weekend (AND my drinking). I love to splurge on the weekends, but in the end, unless I limit it to 1 day, I am not going to see results, and I am not doing myself any favors.

Overall, my eating has been pretty on point. I have been getting two shakes a day in since my last cleanse and am pleased with my progress so far. I will be cleansing again next week before the wedding I am in on 7/1. I am part of this great group of women who are all motivated to make positive changes in their lives. And that's really what this is all about, making positive changes! Yesterday I told this group I wasn't going to drink at bunko. When I got there, I was already in the mindset not to, and I didn't want to disappoint them. So I didn't drink. I had water. TONS of calorie savings there! But next month, it's at my house, so yea, I'll be drinking.

I am a work in progress. I see myself in transformation photos I proudly post and cannot believe I let it get that bad. I am proud of where I am now. I am healthy, strong and dedicated. But as always, I can improve in various ways. And that is why we are always a work in progress, no matter how much better we are, there is still more to come!


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